Zen Commuter

1975: Josel Gaston - Host of Find Your Daily Calm



Josel Gaston, or Sel to his friends, is the host of Find Your Daily Calm podcast. His show features brief meditations and i Josel Gaston, or Sel to his friends, is the host of Find Your Daily Calm podcast. His show features brief meditations and inspiriting words that all have the same goal, to help you find peace of mind. And i can’t think of a more fitting host. Sel is a genuine man who exudes peace. In our talk today, we discuss how to stick to your meditation practice, the importance of taking care of yourself and ways to deepen your practice. Please join me in a very special interview. Links from the Episode: Find Your Daily Calm on Red Circle   Schedule time with Thom Become a Super-Fan of the Show Support ZEN commuter and get access to patron bonuses THANKS FOR LISTENING! Thanks again for listening to the show! If it has helped you in any way, please share it using the social media buttons you see on the page. Also, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful, they help it reach a wider aud