Eat Better With Paleo Britain And Dr. Ragnar

Eat Better Episode 7 - Fish



In episode 7 of the Eat Better Podcast, Chloe and I discuss fish: • Why is fish an important part of the diet? • Where should you get your fish from? • How much should you worry about dioxins and mercury? • What about fish oil supplements? Notes One part of the discussion got lost in the edit: Many trials have shown that adding DHA (and EPA) to the diet (as krill oil, cod liver oil, or fish oil) can both increase HDL and reduce triglycerides. This lowers the Triglyceride/HDL ratio, which is an important potential marker of future heart disease. Fish oil supplements At the end we touch upon fish oil supplements. As with everything, it is best to get your DHA and EPA from whole foods. The benefits of real seafood have consistently been shown to be better than supplementing. Two or three portions of fatty fish per week should be plenty for most people, as we mention in the podcast. If you’re not a regular fish eater or want to boost your DHA intake for various reasons, I personally think that minimally-proce