Babes And Babies

EP 280: Reducing Childhood Allergy Rates with Pediatric Nutritionist, Ali Bandier



Can parents turn the tide on allergy rates and reduce their child’s chances of developing one? According to Columbia-trained pediatric nutritionist, Ali Bandier, MS, RD, CDN the science shows that yes – they can.  Former feeding guidelines encouraged parents to limit exposure to high-allergy foods, like peanut butter or shellfish, and refrain from offering those foods until at least two years of age. Recent data shows the opposite: earlier and regular exposure to these foods can reduce developing food allergies. Ali helps navigate the ever-changing food landscape, specifically noting the significant shifts in the science of food allergies, to support parents on their feeding journies.  Connect with Ali: Connect with Liz Sponsors Our listeners get 15% off their first order when they use code CHAVA new customers get $5 off Lume’s Starter Pack with code CHAVA at L