Do It For The Process

Can Artists Sell Art Online? Share the Work Day 1



Join the LIVE Share the Work workshop + community HERE And be sure to download the workbook that accompanies this 5-day event.   As an artist, we often hear that creativity isn't a real job -- it's not safe, it's not dependable, it's not lucrative... These thoughts are outdated and limiting at best.    The world is thirsty for beauty and connection. We, as artists, are in the business of creating beauty and connection within our art and within communities.  Your work deserves to be shared, seen, and appreciated. LET IT TAKE UP SPACE - especially online where it's voice can spread far and wide.   over the next 5 days, we're going to get very nerdy and practical as we begin to more boldly share our artwork online -- and GROW OUR ONLINE SALES!   Ready for this?    Learn more about Making Art Work if you are truly ready to grow your studio into a profitable and sustainable business. This 9-week masterclass will guide you through every single aspect of running a thriving studio in 2023 and will set you up for succ