Breakthrough Pt Marketing Podcast With Chad Madden

10 Processes for Hiring, Incentivizing, and Motivating Your All-Star Team



One of the most common things we hear from practice owners is challenges around retaining staff. And it's no surprise. After all, 4 Million Americans quit their jobs in 2021. And 3.6% more healthcare workers walked away in 2020 than in the previous year. On top of the labor shortage, the industry as a whole is experiencing declining reimbursements and rising costs — making it more difficult to offer competitive salaries. As a result, many owners are losing staff to HOPTs or POPTs practices.Practice owners who change nothing will continue to struggle...and may eventually be forced to close. Those who take a proactive approach to improving their essential business systems, including finance, personnel, and marketing, have an opportunity to not only survive — but to grow, expand, and leave a lasting impact.In this episode, Chad does a deep dive into the 10 processes that you need to build out to develop and retain a great team. Listen in to learn how to develop employee scorecards, source and scre