Kudzu Vine

Sonia Van Meter



Sonia Van Meter is the Managing Partner of Stanford Campaigns. She moved to Austin in 2003 to attend graduate school at the University of Texas at Austin, but soon found she preferred activism to academia. Following a stint in sales, she joined Stanford Campaigns in 2009 and quickly found a professional home. Now in her thirteenth year in the political consulting industry, Sonia has worked hundreds of campaigns and IEs all over the country, from city council bids to gubernatorial and US Senate runs. In 2013 Sonia was made a Partner of Stanford Campaigns, and development and client relations became her focus. She continues that work today, bringing the good word of opposition research to democratic campaigns and causes up and down the ballot nationwide. Sonia has worked alongside the DCCC, the DGA, EMILY’s List, and Planned Parenthood, as well as dozens of corporate clients in need of due diligence research. She also routinely speaks publicly on the merits of opposition research and the opportunities and chal