Larry Williams Drive

Andrew Dickens: The most successful mayors are the inspirational ones, not the confrontational ones.



It's harder to figure out who comes out worse after Leo Molloy's performance on late night TV and Wayne Brown's public complaint about it.Mr Brown's surprise at the earthy nature of Mr Molloy’s character, particularly when he's playing up for the cameras, suggests he's a ‘wowser’.After all we've seen plenty of politicians playing up on late night telly to show they're not buttoned up bores.  Simon Bridges has a long history and who can forget Kieran McAnulty dropping a c-bomb on 7 days. And McAnulty has been recently promoted to a minister outside of cabinet.Meanwhile, suggesting that Mr Molloy needs professional help is just a massive step too far.On the other hand Mr Molloy's claim that this was comedy is a bit rich.  This was an attempt at outrage humour. Guy Williams does it all the time and many people seen no laughs in it.Now outrage humour only works if it's actually outrageous. But Mr Molloy's behaviour last night was not outrageous.  It was just Leo being Leo.  We know that side of him but what we do