Pacey Performance Podcast

Optimising strength and conditioning for combat athletes with Duncan French, Danny Wilson and Rhys Ingram



In this episode, we delve into the intricate world of combat sports, specifically boxing and mixed martial arts (MMA), and the critical aspects of training and preparation that underpin these intense disciplines. Our expert panel includes Duncan French, from the UFC Performance Institute, Danny Wilson, Co-founder of Boxing Science, and Rhys Ingram, formerly of GB Taekwondo and currently with GB Cycling. They kick off the discussion by emphasizing the importance of multidisciplinary teams in supporting athletes, including strength and conditioning coaches, physiotherapists, and nutritionists. The challenge lies in orchestrating these diverse experts to work cohesively for the benefit of the athlete. The panel explores various training philosophies, particularly when it comes to building strength and power in combat sports athletes. The focus here is on lower body impulse and trunk muscle mass as significant contributors to punching power. Training strategies include lower force, high-velocity movements, and ma