The Smart Passive Income Online Business And Blogging Podcast

SPI 663: How to Actually Win with Email Marketing with Jason Resnick



#663 Email marketing is by far the number one way businesses are growing their revenue. It's also much more straightforward than we've been led to believe. So why are many entrepreneurs reluctant to get started? We often overcomplicate things, but Jason Resnick of joins me in this episode to share the simple email tactics that get amazing results. At the core of his method is a vital attitude shift from broadcasting to communication. Some of Jason's clients have even doubled their email list income using this framework! We've seen Jason's mastery in action at SPI. He is the man behind the massive success of our recent All-Access Pass campaign! This session is an excellent behind-the-scenes look at our email marketing plan and a blueprint for anyone looking to follow in our footsteps. The best part is that the tools discussed today can be used at any level, so listen in and enjoy! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and Californ