Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw

#152 - Retreat Masterclass Replay



In this week's podcast, Wendy K Laidlaw shares the three secrets about HOW deeply subconscious emotions maybe connected to the surfacing of disease (dis-ease) showing up in the body. "Blocked, or deeply suppressed emotions, combined with subconscious intergenerational trauma, make the perfect breeding ground for disease (dis-ease) in the body. However, once you learn HOW to embrace emotions, healing of the mind, body and spirit begins.”- Wendy K Laidlaw Wendy shares a recent 'How To Embrace Emotions Retreat' Masterclass replay where she explains how and why deeply blocked emotions embedded in the lower subconscious parts of the brain, maybe unprocessed and impairing the immune system. This transformative in-person Retreat in Southern Portugal starts in 14 days.  To learn more go to:- https://embracingemotions.com/retreat_portugal_2023 #HealEndometriosisNaturally #WendyKLaidlaw #EndoBoss #EmbracingEmotionsRetreat