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Day Off Replay: Change Your Brain with Dr. Daniel Amen (S5E27)



Throwback to an Amazing Conversation with Dr. Daniel Amen!(Originally YST021, August 2014)Dr. Daniel Amen is a bestselling author, internationally renowned psychiatrist, and founder of the Amen Clinic.Dr. Amen was one of the first neuroscientists to realize that traditional psychiatric diagnostic testing was inadequate for many patients. He began using functional brain imaging to find out what was really happening inside people's minds, and his work has saved or improved literally thousands of people's lives. His books and his influence have impacted my life and practice, and he's an incredibly gracious and inspirational man.This is a great interview. Dr. Amen is so passionate, and his message is simple: your brain dictates almost everything about how you experience life. You can change it if you try; you're not stuck with the same old problems and behaviors you've always had. Change your brain, change your life.You can learn more about Dr. Amen by clicking here. Remember: If you want a better tomorrow, you h