Success Agent

The Sorting Frame: How To Be More Effective On Client Calls



Today, I want to discuss one of three language strategies to enhance your effectiveness when scripting and communicating with clients. There are various ways to improve how you communicate with your clients, and I'd like to highlight a couple of important points. Firstly, your scripts may not be as effective as you think. Secondly, you may be encountering challenges in the current market. If so, you may be open to different strategies for more effective client communication. In this series of three blog posts, we'll start with “The Sorting Frame.” Whether you're talking to clients or receiving calls, especially Zillow calls, the conversation often begins with questions like, “Are you interested in property XYZ? Would you like to set up an appointment?” If they express interest, you can “sort” the call by asking if they have any other properties in mind. This applies to both incoming Zillow calls and cold calls resulting from your advertising efforts on platforms like Facebook. When someone reaches