Empowered Empaths

What is Self-Love and How to Find It



It was a sad realization that convinced me that a fair number of people have no idea what self love is and and even less of an understanding of how to practice it. We have been, from our earliest part of life, fully indoctrinated by actions, words and subtle inferences. Our parents, teachers, siblings, extended family, religious people, friends and more have impressed all of their beliefs, attitudes, fears, insecurities onto you. You learn a great deal about yourself early on and I can step out on a limb and say that, unless you’re a narcissist, you probably don’t think too much of yourself. We must redefine self love. We tend to go with a very 3rd dimension definition that says we must pamper ourselves and become fully involved with trying to convince our ego that material things and activities are the remedy for poor self image. It has been my experience that if I stared slowly by finding things about myself that I approve of while stating the intention that I will realize and be enamored of my truest