Geek At Arms

Geek at Arms Episode 57: Baldur’s Gate 3, Ahsoka, & Questionable Role Models



Prepare yourself for an all new, and very special, episode of Geek at Arms! While James is "On Assignment" his incredible wife Joy steps in behind the microphone! Bryan starts off Geek Out with news of the new podcast he and James have started: Woolheads, where they review and discuss the episodes of the latest season of The Wheel of Time. He also describes how much he has thoroughly enjoyed the game Baldur's Gate 3. Next Mike Talks about partaking of some excellent Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles graphic novels, and he & Bryan share how much they've both really liked the latest Star Wars series, Ahsoka. Joy wraps it up with her report of the board games and rpg's that she and James played at The LoneStar Game Expo and all the fun they had getting to finally role some dice. In our main topic, the trio discuss if all protagonists are intended as Role Models? What if all  good guy isn't a good guy after all?