Shameless Sex

#348 How to Keep the Flame Blazing in Longterm Relationships - with Dr. Alison Ash



What are some common obstacles that contribute to couples losing the spark over time? What are some of the ways couples experience pressure around sex, where does it come from, and how can they overcome it? What skill are most important for couples to learn so they can bring sexy back and rekindle the flame, as well as keep that flame burning in the long run? What about sex, longterm relationships and parenting? What are some things that can be helpful for parents to consider? How about when shit hits the fan and the relationship feels like a mess? What can couples do when things go awry?  About our guest: Dr. Alison Ash, aka Dr. Aly, is a trauma-informed intimacy coach and educator, Stanford University Lecturer, author, and founder of As a sociologist with a PhD from Stanford, she has a comprehensive understanding of the complex societal challenges that often lead to unsatisfying and disempowering intimate experiences. She also draws on her extensive training in the Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psycho