

Embracing the Ironman Off-Season In this episode of the Oxygenaddict Triathlon Podcast, Coach Rob Wilby dives deep into the pivotal role of the off-season in an athlete's journey. While the Ironman season brings its own set of challenges and highs, the off-season isn't just about downtime. It's an opportunity to rejuvenate, refocus, and reshape your triathlon experience. Whether you're an elite athlete or a passionate amateur, understanding how to utilize this period can set the stage for greater successes in the upcoming season. Listeners will learn about: The Importance of Rest: The science and sentiment behind allowing your body and mind to heal and rejuvenate after the rigors of an Ironman season. Cross-Training Opportunities: Venturing beyond the triathlon world to embrace activities like hiking, mountain or gravel riding, cold water swims, and why they might just be the change you need. Focused Strength Training: The potential gains from honing in on specific areas of weakness and how this dedicate