

Dan Dixon is a young talent from the North East of England, who has burst onto the senior scene this year with a win at the America’s Cup race in Clermont Florida, and then backed this up with a third place at the Sarasota race, behind former World Champion Richard Murray and Olympic relay silver medalist Kevin McDowell. Dan was British Elite Champion in 2021, and has previously won the Junior race at SuperLeague Malta in very impressive fashion. We catch up with the young gun to hear about his races, training with coach Ryan Bolton, and training with Sam Long, Lionel Sanders and Ben Hoffman. Sponsors This show is brought to you by Precision Fuel & Hydration, who have a range of tools and products to help you personalise your fuelling and hydration strategy so that you can perform at your best.  Long time listeners of the show will know them as “Precision Hydration”, but they’ve changed their name to reflect the fact that they’ve been helping athletes nail both aspects of