

James Hall completed his first triathlon in his late 40’s, after one of his clients challenged him to enter an Etape sportif, and in his own words, he loved it. Inspired to take up swimming with a Master’s group rather than sit and watch his children train in the pool, he combined his love of swimming and cycling, added running, and set himself the goal of completing an Olympic distance race in 2019. Completing that in just under 3 hours, he was inspired to see what he was capable of with a structured training plan and coaching support. That’s where he met Team Oxygenaddict :) Despite a very busy life working in financial services in the City of London that means he’s at his desk at 6.30 every day after a 5am get-up, we learn how he fits training, and most importantly, recovery and sleep into his life, and how this has taken him to qualifying for the World Triathlon sprint championships, and completing his first middle distance races at Outlaw X and Outlaw Half Holkham. Sponsors https://www.precisionhydrat