Falls Presbyterian Church (OPC)

Grace in The End



Since grace was shown to their exiled King, then God had not abandoned His exiled people- later in Jesus, the new and better Jehoiachin, there is more grace to come. -1. The exiled king was brought out of prison. -v.31--2. The exiled king received kindness, while in exile. -v.32-33--3. The exiled king had his daily needs met, until the day of his death. -v.34--When our king is in exile, is there hope for us---What will happen to those in slavery-- Heb. 2-14-15-When does more grace come to us-- Jer. 31-2, Gal. 4-4-How did God provide for us-- 2 Sam. 7-1-16, Heb.12-28