Debate This!

Ep. 131: Sovereign States & Monster Dates



Big wheels keep on turning and train whistles keep on blowing! It's Week 3 of Spooktacular Express Season and this week we're reviving those classic, Universal movie monsters. If you're a long time listener to DT!, you've probably heard the phrase "metal dracula" before. Well, for the first time since Season 1, we're back with that same, dumb energy. There's no stops on this week's monster mashup, even though someone should have stopped Andrew before he rewrote Phantom of the Opera as a Glee episode. Todd brings the stickiest answer to the party this week while also making more puns than your body has room for. Matt talks about 70 year old monster lore and no one needed that. Spooktacular Review-a-thon: -Step 1: Review the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Podchaser, Goodpods, or anywhere else you can write reviews! -Step 2: Take a screenshot of your review, post it to social media, and tag us @debatethiscast -Step 3: We'll read your review in a spooky voice during the October ad breaks! - If we get 20 new reviews