Underground Usa

The Cancerous Metastasizing Of The Neo-Axis Powers



Before we get into this morning’s segment on America's Third Watch, in which we talk at length about the coalescing of a new neo-Axis power joining Iran, Russia, China, North Korea, and a gaggle of lesser satellite nations to their whim, I wanted to point out that you're going to hear a little bit of a different quality on the ATW podcasts.We've instituted some new protocols that allow me to go directly through the board. I am in a separate studio from Kyle so this development, well, I think you'll be pleased because I don’t sound like I'm on a phone anymore…which is kind of nice.I also want to point you toward the lead story over at Underground USA – The Death of Mainstream Media Credibility. It centers a bit on the Israeli-Hamas situation but as you get deeper into the article it starts to talk about why we're in the place we're in, where the media can't be trusted, and who brought us to this point.It's got some meat to it and I think that when you have discussions with people who are not of like mind (and