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Microbiome Mysteries, Biofilm Breakdowns, and Ayurvedic Insights: Exploring Holistic Health with Tatiana Wolfe



Welcome to the Thrive with Cate Stillman podcast. In this episode, we have a remarkable story of healing and resilience. Our guest, Tatiana Wolfe, shares her journey of overcoming a scary diagnosis of Parkinson's disease at the age of 30. She took unconventional paths towards healing, including a unique treatment involving bee venom. Stay tuned to discover how primal habits, circadian rhythm habits, and anti-inflammatory practices played a pivotal role in her healing journey.   What You'll Get Out of Tuning In The connection between chronic inflammatory diseases and dysbiosis. The emerging field of microbiome-based therapies. The role of biofilms in our bodies. The power of natural therapies like bee venom and Ayurvedic practices. The importance of embracing the healing process, including emotional expression. The significance of understanding your body's needs and regaining your health. Highlights Chronic Inflammatory Diseases and Microbiome: The podcast begins by delving into the relations