Matt Brown Show

MBS081 - LIVE SHOW - Cryptocurrencies, The Blockchain/Bitcoin & The Future of Money [Cape Town]



It’s not often that you sell out two events back-to-back in any industry but fortunately for the Matt Brown Show this is exactly what has happened. The Cape Town leg of the Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain/Bitcoin and the future of money tour was a resounding success with about 300 people filling the Nedbank auditorium in the V&A Waterfront. At the previous event we had quite a philosophical discussion about cryptocurrencies and the blockchain so in this episode we bring it down to the real-world applications both from cryptocurrency trading and business perspective. We also had a change in panel with Werner Van Rooyen from Luno joining the previous panelists of Simon Dingle and Lorien Gamaroff. So without further adeu let’s get on with the show!Support the show