Pacey Performance Podcast

The 5 stages of on-field rehab after long term injuries with Filippo Picinini



This episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast sees Rob speaking to Head of late stage rehab & sports science at Isokinetic Medical Group, London, Filippo Picinini. The discussion delves into the stages of on-field rehabilitation. Stage one focuses on linear movements, helping players restore confidence and familiarize themselves with the environment. The emphasis is on separating conditioning drills from basic technical drills. The transition from stage one to two is based on criteria like restored strength, normalized running mechanics on a treadmill, and movement quality. Filippo emphasizes the importance of movement quality, noting that players often struggle with basic movements, especially after long-term injuries. Later in the episode, Filippo details how he progresses athletes into stage two and then through to three, four and five. Throughout the rehabilitation process, Filippo highlights the importance of monitoring players using GPS technology to track metrics like total distance, moderate and h