Energy Awareness Hosted By T Love

Hello, Soul



Two-time international bestselling author, speaker & spiritual teacher, Alena Chapman is all about Soul Wisdom & your growth. Known for her joyful nature & vivacious personality, Alena works her “magic” by meaningfully integrating the wisdom of age old mystical spiritual modalities with scientific research to bring clarity, ease, flow & positive lasting growth to those seeking to better understand their place in a world that often seems out of touch & overwhelming. Alena’s quest is to help people everywhere heal & connect to their soul’s purpose, & to experience true universal abundance, while on the journey. She works with clients around the world to help them learn to heal themselves so they can identify what they are really here to achieve in life, & she does so from a space of compassion, non-judgment, & love. Her latest book, Hello Soul!, Everyday Ways to Begin Awakening Your Spirituality & Live by Your Soul, shares Alena's journey to reconnect to her soul, awake