Energy Awareness Hosted By T Love

Living for a Living



How many times have we said to ourselves, “I know life isn’t easy, but is it really supposed to be this hard?” Jamal Jivanjee is an Amazon best-selling author, podcaster, and full-time life coach who embraces the questions we all have about living life to its fullest and how we can achieve it by becoming aware of our conscious and subconscious beliefs from an entirely different perspective. In Jamal’s book, and with his work as a life-coach, the message is clear - - if your life is solely motivated by survival, you will feel uninspired, unsatisfied, and ultimately enslaved. If you learn to realign your point of reference internally, however, you will begin to feel and experience all the vitality, abundance, and liberation that life has to offer. It is from this place we will be free to best love and serve others.