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Channel Inner Calm Through The Power Of Presence and Listening With Jo Boniszewski



It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking we know everything. What if we took a step back and listened more? Not only to other people, but also to ourselves and to the situation? By opening ourselves up to different perspectives and experiences, we start on a journey of exploration and discovery, even in challenging conversations at work.  In this episode of the listening SUPERPOWER podcast, author of the book, Thrive in Turbulent Times, Jo Boniszewski shares how to listen so we can bring calm and clear thinking amidst the storm. After 15 years of commercial management roles, Jo became an executive leadership coach and facilitator and has been working many years with leaders and organizations to help them lead with more ease and impact.  Since 2013, Jo has worked closely with Alan Seale, Founder and Director at the Center for Transformational Presence. She is a programme leader for the Transformational Presence signature programmes. In 2021 Jo launched her online Thrive self-leadership year programme. The