Boost Your Boutique With Emily Benson

Boutique Strategy: Short-Term Fixes and Long-Term Vision



2:16.5: There's no one path to success.3:13.3: There's been some quick fixes or people who've started businesses really quickly and maybe seen some success. But this is where the short and longterm thinking in my mind happens because you have to be on the pulse and you also have to be thinking longterm.4:37.4: Size inclusivity has been something that we have been fighting for from vendors, from brands for so long. This is something that, you know, we want more cute clothes and inclusive sizing period. 6:22.4: We're just kind of, again, reinforcing the fact that women fluctuate sizes no matter what.7:05.4: And while we don't want to take our eye off the ball with making sure brands and. Vendors have inclusive sizing, also watching our customer base, watching our size selling, seeing if we're like something's changing because this might not affect you at all.7:29.1: I think we have to recognize that as boutique owners, we have to start being really flexible. We have to start understanding that our demograp