Music Friday With Patrick O'heffernan

MUSIC FRIDAY (03-21-14) | Patrick O'Heffernan



On Music Friday This Week: Dona Oxford is one of my favorite high-powered female musicians. In fact, she is one of my favorite musicians, male or female, of any power. Her skill on the keyboard is unmatched. Her songs and lyrics always on point, and her vocals energize audiences like no one else can. Her live shows have been blowing the roof off of venues from Los Angeles to London and she is here on Music Friday Live! If you don't know her, check out the video on the Music Friday website. Regular listeners to Music Friday Live! will recall last month when we tried to interview Claudia Schmidt and found her digging snow out from under a car that was trapped. She was on a cell phone and not in a good place for the scheduled interview, both geographically and otherwise. So we rescheduled for this Friday and, weather permitting, Claudia will join us, sans snow but with her songs from her latest album. She is talented, funny, opinionated and a greata guest!