Falls Presbyterian Church (OPC)

Finding Hope During Hardships



During hardships, we are lovingly led by our faithful God to a breakthrough of finding hope again.-1. Hardships feel dark, overwhelming, and hopeless- -v.1-18--2. Breakthrough to hope- -a- we appeal to God to see our hardships -b- we call to mind the truth about God, -c- we re-interpret our hardships, daring to hope again. -v.19-21- -3. Re-interpretation- The LORD is all we need for hope and comfort during our hardships. -v. 22-24--Where do you reach for hope and a reason to go on---Who is on our side when we have sinned-- 1 John 2-1-How does this remind you of Christ's sufferings-- Is. 53, Ps.22-Why should we not be anxious during difficulties-- Rom. 8-28