Win Today With Christopher Cook: Your Roadmap To Wholeness




I’m thrilled to finally be able to tell you about my new book, Healing What You Can’t Erase: Transform Your Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health from the Inside Out, available everywhere books are sold on March 19. In Healing What You Can’t Erase, I leverage my personal story of adversity, loss, and healing to teach you how to forge your roadmap to wholeness from the inside out. This path doesn’t rely on willpower, self-help, or self-healing, but rather the daily transformative power of the Holy Spirit engaged with principles of neuroscience, psychology, and Scripture. While the pain-filled memories from our past can’t be erased, we can experience mental, emotional, and spiritual healing that lasts. My publisher has graciously made a sneak peek of the book available to you immediately. Go to right now to sign up and receive a FREE sneak peek of the book before it hits stores in March. Start moving forward on your journey of transformation today. Download a FREE preview of my new