Sarah B. Yoga

Covering the Eyes - Feldenkrais



Episode 103: Today’s class is focused on calming the eyes. This class is similar to Episode 56, but I wanted to re record and re-teach the class, as it has been a popular episode and I wanted to get a higher quality audio version of it for you. In this short Feldenkrais lesson, the eyes, their state of calm, and the quality of our dark vision becomes a marker of the overall state of the nervous system. When one’s visual stimulation calms down, it can have a relaxing effect on the neck, jaw, breathing, face and more. And as a result, your whole self will settle down, get quiet and the sharpness of your vision can increase. So, let's see how we can organize our vision to make the orientation clear and smooth, so that the muscle tone in the whole body can become organized and engaged to do a function well. If you enjoy this lesson, you may consider joining the Feldenkrais Series:Being Good to Yourself: Caring for your Neck, Shoulders, Eyes, & BreathIn 8 lessons we explore how important the eyes are for