Flute 360

Episode 271: Joyful Scaling with Judy Weber!



Flute 360 | Episode 271: “Joyful Scaling with Judy Weber!” Are you stuck in the early stages of becoming an entrepreneur?  If you’re a seasoned professional, are you looking to scale your business and grow your CEO skillset?  It is Judy Weber’s mission to uplevel the way Christian women do business, and in this episode, she offers this wisdom to us all!  Though Judy works exclusively with high-achieving Christian women, her podcast entitled ‘Joyful Scaling’ is an accessible tool to learn all things business and life, from a Biblical perspective. May this episode inspire you to pursue your dreams, stop running from what feels hard, and trust in the timing. In Judy’s words, “If we do our part, we’ll find ourselves in amazing places.”  Does this topic resonate with you? Is this your current season for your flute career or business? If so, then the Flute 360 Accelerator Program is perfect for you! Join a community where you will make lasting contacts, friends, and start moving the needle forward for your dream fl