Coffee & Change

Episode 128: A Redux & Reunion with Paul McCarthy, The F.I.R.E.D. Leader



On Episode 128, we reunite with Paul McCarthy, who has been on quite the journey as he authored and published The F.I.R.E.D. Leader, the leadership and disruption playbook for the next generation. And on the heels of the most operatic firing of the world's most famous tech talent and leader - Sam Altman, Paul's book is proving to be a must read. In fact, I bet Sam could have used it last Friday. Paul has been consistently asking for over five years, "Are we firing the type of talent we need with the types of leadership qualities we will need to navigate ongoing disruption?" We clearly are seeing the answers to that question played out at this tipping point. The world has been asking that question loudly this past week with the events of OpenAI. We unpack the key events in our discussion while also welcoming Sam Altman and Greg Brockman to the emerging tribe of F.I.R.E.D. Leaders shaping the future. You can listen to Paul's origin story on Episode 68 and you can now order his new book at this follow