Have More Fun With Mandy Arioto

Advent Series: A shoot from the stump of Jesse



In this episode, we dig into the intriguing connection between Jesus, Nazareth, and a prophecy from Isaiah, shedding light on a perplexing passage in Matthew's account of Jesus' life. We explore the historical background of Nazareth, a seemingly insignificant village that emerged just a century before Jesus' birth, yet played a crucial role in fulfilling ancient prophecies.  Jesus, growing up in Nazareth, embodies this 'nezer', the new branch sprouting from the lineage of King David, bringing new life and hope. As we explore this fascinating link, we are reminded of the astonishing depth and interconnectedness of the biblical narrative. This Christmas, let this story inspire you to see beyond appearances, recognizing that even in situations that seem hopeless, there is potential for new life and fulfillment of God's promises. Daily Reading: Isaiah 11. Song: Would You Forgive by Jorm @iamjorm Music provided by Free Music for Vlogs