Something More With Chris Boyd Show Podcasts

Ed Slott: Navigating Secure Act 2.0, Tax Strategies, and Year-End Planning for IRAs and Retirement



CEO of Asset Management Resources Chris Boyd interviews Ed Slott, a CPA and the president of Ed Slott and Company, LLC, a financial consulting firm specializing in IRAs and retirement planning. The conversation begins with a review of the changes to inherited IRAs under the Secure Act 2.0. Chris and Ed next discuss the likelihood of higher federal tax rates and whether it is prudent to consider accelerating IRA withdrawals now under the current tax rates. As the end of the year is fast approaching, Chris and Ed discuss the best options for Roth IRA conversions and the use of Qualified Charitable Distributions. If you need help with financial planning issues don’t hesitate to reach out to Asset Management Resources at (866) 771-8901. Something More with Chris Boyd:   #SecureAct2.0 #FederalTaxRates #IRAWithdrawals #RothIRAConversions #Qualif