Car Con Carne

How a video went viral: Sherman from 101 WKQX sits shotgun (Episode 64)



Mere hours after colleague Sherman (101 WKQX) posted a video of the Goodman Theatre sign in flames that went viral, he sat shotgun for Car Con Carne. This episode finds us at Susie's Drive-Thru at 4126 W. Montrose. The show opens with audio from the video, and then we get into exactly *how* it went viral. From there, we talk about: *The fact that A BIRD POOPED ON MY LEG just before we recorded *The job that blew out his back, and learnings about people working that gig ("Around Christmastime, give them a tip. They deserve every single cent of it") *The simple pleasures of the Renaissance Faire *The history of "Dude Say" *Polish troubles: Sherman's Polish didn't come as ordered. He wanted it to be ketchup-only and they gave him one with everything. That leads to some not-quite-manly moments which were rooted in Sherman's childhood. Pickles seem to be a trigger for him. *Political correctness ("It's getting more difficult to be funny") *My amazing Patreon backers get a shout-out (couldn't do it without you) *Th