Car Con Carne

Recovering from brain surgery, playing piano and eating encased meats: Keyboard king David Allen (Episode 45)



Imagine being told you had a mass on your brain and that it had to come out immediately. Now imagine coming out of that surgery and not having control over one of your arms. That's what happened to childhood friend David Allen, who's had to take a new approach to his piano-playing career: He's now playing gigs one-handed. David's a world class keyboard talent who spent the 90s and early 00s as part of the successful jam band Mr. Blotto. More recently, he's been tearing up local events and seducing large Wrigleyville crowds as part of "Dueling Pianos." With only his left hand on the keys, he's inspiringly returned to the circuit, playing a few gigs a week. David and I visit Dear Frank's in Glenview and talk about David's struggles, victories and the positive attitude that got him through. Sport peppers threaten the sincerity of the moment, as they lead me to uncontrollably hiccup off-mic. Other highlights: The Powerball jackpot is discussed, and I reveal the two things I'm going to buy first if I win. They inv