Something More With Chris Boyd Show Podcasts

Navigating Presidential Powers: From Patents to Politics



In this episode, Chris Boyd and Jeff Perry explore the recent decision of the Biden administration to use “March-In” rights and assert its authority to seize the patents held by pharmaceutical companies. Under the Bayh–Dole Act of 1980, the government retains certain rights on any products produced through a public-private partnership using federal funding. Chris and Jeff note that this never-before used power of the Federal government is concerning for both constitutional and commerce perspectives. The conversation takes a natural path to other actions by former Presidents (Republican and Democrat) which have led to an expansion of the power of the President. Chris and Jeff further the conversation by reviewing the most recent Republican Presidential debate and how some Republican candidates seem to embrace the expansion of Presidential power.   If you need help with financial planning issues don’t hesitate to reach out to Asset Management Resources at (866) 771-8901. Something More with Chris Boyd: https://