Shameless Sex

#360 Stepparent Fantasies, Daddy/Bratty Girl Dynamics, and Age Play - with Heather Shannon



What are “kink roles”? What is age play? Why are some people into age play and what do they get out of it? What if someone wants to bring age play into the bedroom? Where do they start and how can they talk to their partners about it?  About our guest: Heather Shannon is an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist who helps queer, kinky and/or non-monogamous people explore who they are as sexual beings and how they want to show up in their relationships. In private practice since 2011, she’s helped thousands of clients experience more freedom and authenticity in their sex lives than ever before.  Heather has her Master’s in Counseling from Loyola University Chicago, is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and has a Certificate in Sexual Health from the University of Michigan. Additionally, she is trained as an Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapist, Shambhala Meditation Guide, and Integrative Health Coach. Drawing upon her holistic training, she tailors her work to each client and offers an intersectional approa