Pacey Performance Podcast

Winning the Rugby World Cup with the Springboks: A 19 year journey with Andy Edwards



In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Rob talks to Head of Athletic Performance and recent World Cup winner with the Springboks, Andy Edwards. He emphasizes the importance of creating a close-knit team atmosphere, much like a family, where hard work and high standards are the norm. Edwards talks about his start at Saracens before moving onto the Springboks, and how maintaining consistency, along with making small but impactful tweaks in training, contributed significantly to their success. Andy gives a masterclass in balancing data-driven decision-making with gut instincts, emphasizing the importance of understanding players beyond mere numbers. He shares insights into the pressures and exhilarations of leading the Springboks post-World Cup victory and the challenges of maintaining success in the international arena. Central to the Springboks' World Cup victory were the strategic adjustments in conditioning, focusing on specific rugby positions, and trust-building through small-sided games. Edward