Calvary Temple

The Thankful Gentiles



The Jewish leaders were so indoctrinated in the laws of Moses that they were blind to the message of Jesus Christ as the Messiah. In Acts 13, Paul built on the familiar, until in Acts 13:23, he told them: And it is one of King David’s descendants, Jesus, who is God’s promised Savior of Israel. There, he’d said it. Addressing yet another group of staunch Jewish leaders in Rome, in Acts 28:28, Paul said, Brethren,… I believe that the HOPE OF ISRAEL, THE MESSIAH, HAS ALREADY COME. But, since the message was widely rejected by the Jews, God, in His mercy, opened up the way for the Gentiles to hear, and accept the message of forgiveness of sins and redemption. The Gentiles accepted the message with gladness and thanksgiving. Have you accepted God’s gift of love which is available to all people who will believe?