Shameless Sex

#361 Seven Psychological Hacks for Stronger Erections - with Dr. Nazanin Moali



What are some of the main causes of erectile issues for penis owners? Are they usually physiological or psychological? And when it comes to psychological erectile issues, what can people do for better, stronger firmer erections? What if I try all the "hacks" and nothing works? What are my other options? About our guest: Dr. Nazanin Moali is a sex and relationship expert and has helped many individuals and couples improve their sex lives and restore and achieve deep and passionate connections with their partners. In addition to hosting the top 20 rated Sexology podcast, Dr. Moali launched a similar, top-rated podcast in Farsi in 2016 and has extensive training in treatment of eating disorders an addiction from some of the nation’s leading experts. She is a published researcher who regularly gives talks at major universities and international conferences, and has given therapy advice and information on local television shows. Dr. Moali has her postdoctoral training in sexual wellness and trauma. To learn more g