Sales Reinvented

Why Building Credibility on Linkedin is Key, C. Lee Smith, Ep #383



The Voice of the B2B Buyer Study surveyed over 1,000 decision-makers and found that 63% of them will search for a salesperson online before they ever take a call or meet with them. You never get a second chance to make a first impression.  Only 1 in 4 people view salespeople as credible. You start every relationship from a place of weakness—unless your LinkedIn profile can get you on an equal playing field. Your LinkedIn profile can be the key to building credibility. C. Lee Smith shares how to do that in this episode of Sales Reinvented.  Outline of This Episode [0:44] Is a compelling LinkedIn profile important? [2:05] The elements to leverage on your LinkedIn profile [3:52] How to tell your professional story on LinkedIn  [4:48] Balancing professionalism and personality [5:36] When to update your LinkedIn profile [6:43] A tool to measure the impact of your LinkedIn profile [8:14] Lee’s top LinkedIn profile dos and don’ts  [10:54] Building credibility on LinkedIn is key Resources & People Mentioned Th