Franklin (MA) Matters

FM #1125 - Franklin Public Schools -Teaching & Learning Discussion - 12/13/23



This session of the radio show shares my conversation with Franklin School Superintendent Lucas Giguere, Dr Tina Rogers, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching & Learning; Eric Stark, Director of Curriculum STEM; and Dr Tim Frazier, Director of Curriculum ELA & SS. We had our conversation in person at FPS Central Offices on Wednesday, December 13, 2023. At a high level our topics were:Instructional designEmphasis on professional learningUniversal design for learningCapturing & analyzing the Data MCAS just one data point, use of summative & formative Curriculum review programThe recording runs about 38 minutes so let’s listen to our conversation on teaching and learning in the Franklin School District.--------------Superintendent’s page -> Teaching & Learning page -> Teaching & Learning update to School Committee as referenced ->https