

Launching a New Community for Growth and Connection Our goal with this is that any of the content that we share, any of the people that we bring in as speakers, any of the sessions that we have, someone will be able to take out at least one thing that applies to growth in their business, growth from a family perspective, or growth in self. - Mike Simmons Relaunching the Phoenix Club If you're feeling stuck in a cycle of trying to innovate on your own, only to find yourself hitting roadblocks and feeling frustrated, then you are not alone! Many entrepreneurs and professionals fall into the trap of thinking they can achieve success in isolation, only to realize that true growth comes from diverse collaboration. Instead of achieving the breakthroughs and progress they desire, they find themselves feeling stagnant and unable to reach their full potential. But there is a better way to foster innovation and achieve greater success, and it starts with building a diverse and collaborative community. In this