

If you are truly serious about becoming a speaker there are twothings I recommend you have: a web site of your very own andownership of your name as a domain. For example I have The SpeakerLab as well as Grant episode 59 of The Speaker Lab I explain why I have bothsites, and why owning the domain of your own name is so important.I also share why you'll want to create a separate web site ifyou're going to have other speakers present your materials in thefuture, and how this is similar to a franchise model.Whether your choose to have just your personal name as your website or branch out with a program, both a domain and a site arecritical to being seen as an expert on your topic, and to gettinghired to speak. So listen in to episode 59 to hear all of that andso much more on today's edition of The Speaker Lab!THE FINER DETAILS OF THIS SHOWDo you want a potential client to hire you or yourprogram?Why do I have both The Speaker Lab and you secure your own name as a web site?W