Small Changes Big Shifts With Dr. Michelle Robin

Be grateful. Have faith. Live Oola. with Dave Braun and Troy Amdahl



Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver Be grateful. Have faith. Live Oola. Those are the words of wisdom that the OolaGuys and Authors of Oola and Oola for Women, Dave Braun and Troy Amdahl, of OolaLife are spreading to the USA: That we must always be grateful; even be grateful for our past, have faith in the future, and live in the present. As you listen to Dr. Michelle’s interview with them, you will learn what the 7 F’s  | 7 Blockers | 7 Accelerators of the OolaLife are, what sparked them to do the OolaLife Dream Tour, how they’ve incorporated the OolaLife into their own lives, and what big shifts you can make with their 21 Day OolaLife Challenge. Turn small changes into big shifts with their 3 core steps to living an OolaLife by thinking about: Where you are today Where you want to go How you’re going to get there If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time.- Zig Zaglar About OolaLife What is OolaLife all about? The OolaLife isn’t just a book series b