Grace Community Church-loveland Co

Week 2 Jacob



Main Point: Through faith God gives us a new identity to live into.Questions:1. What impacted you from the message this weekend? What challenged you or encouragedyou? What did you learn about the God’s character through the study of Jacob’s life.2. Read Genesis 25:19-34. What were the circumstances surrounding Jacob and Esau’s birth?What is the significance of their names?3. What did Jacob get his brother to do? Why was was the birthright so important?4. Read Genesis 27. This is a tragic account of deception, favoritism, and broken relationships.What did Rebekah do to help Jacob? How did Esau react when he discovered he had lost hisbirthright?5. How would you describe Jacob’s character at this point in the narrative?6. Read Genesis 29:1-30:22. Who deceived Jacob in this section of the story? Under whatcircumstances did Jacob marry Rachel and Leah?7. What was the relationship like between Jacob, Rachel, and Leah? Why were children soimportant? How did the names Leah gave her children change as she had more chi