Grace Community Church-loveland Co

Week 4 Moses



Main Point: God works through His people as they trust in Him.Questions:1. What impacted you from the message this weekend? What challenged you or encouraged you? What did you learn about God’s character through the study of Moses’ life?2. Read Exodus 1. How did the dynamics shift between the time of Joseph to the time of the current Pharoah in this passage? What was Pharoah’s wicked plan for getting rid of the Hebrews?3. Read Exodus 2. What were the circumstances that Moses was born into? What huge risk did his mother and sister take? How can you see God’s orchestration of events in this chapter?4. How did Moses respond to the mistreatment of the Hebrew by the Egyptian? Why did he flee?5. Read Exodus 3. Describe Moses’ encounter with God through the burning bush. How would you have reacted if you were in Moses’ place? What did God say to Moses? What was Moses’ response to God?6. Read Exodus 7-11. In these chapters, God used Moses to confront Pharoah and demand that Pharoah let the Israelites go. How did Phar